Gary Shaul Bio

In the '57 Chevy near Holguin, Cuba - December 2022

I retired from a 30-year career at the Ontario Ministry of Education about 7 years ago. I worked in the IT department as a training co-ordinator. I also had a volunteer "career" as a union rep in OPSEU for many years. I was finally on the winning side of a Presidential election in which I served as campaign manager in 2022. 

Like many of you in our generation, I grew up with the ethos that we should try to leave the world a better place than we found it. My interest in politics probably began in Grade 8 at Wilson Heights and has continued throughout my life in many forms. 

I have a 32-year old son, Amil, who loves to debate politics with me. 

My other interests include growing dahlia flowers, playing piano, jamming, playing friendly poker games, travel and community involvement.

I lead an annual "Jane's Walk" called the Steps of Old Lake Iroquois which follows the ridge above Davenport Road. Feel free to join in. It's free on the first weekend of May - probably May 6 @ 11:00 - 1:00 to be confirmed.

I even joined a gym after things opened up. I quit smoking cigarettes 5 years ago. That surely helped when I got Covid last September. 

I was in Cuba in December and Mexico last May. It was my 5th trip to Mexico. My longest trip there was 3 months in 1979. I spent 6 months in India and Pakistan in 1980, 3 months in Italy in 1981, a few weeks in the Philippines in 1986-7. I lived in San Francisco for 2 years and Vancouver for 1 year. Shorter trips to London, Scotland, France, Netherlands, Spain, Denmark, Trinidad & Tobago and Northern BC. 

I love road trips and have gone to Montreal many times, Gaspe, Eastern Townships, Northern Ontario, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia and Newfoundland. After about 50+ canoe trips in Algonquin Park, I packed it in and sold my canoe last year. Most of my recent travels has been with my partner Ellen. 

Looking forward to seeing you all in June! 

1 comment:

  1. Your Dahlias are amazingly beautiful and legendary! Can't wait to see you in person in June!


Class photos

 Courtesy of Craig Rose Rockford Road Public School  Grades 5/6 1964-65 RJ Laing Junior High Class 72 February 1966 Fisherville Junior High ...