Agi Soptei Bio

Who I Am:
Agi H. Soptei-Klein

Where I Live:
Richmond Hill - 36 years......Toronto - prior years

Modern Languages - U. Of T. Business - York U.

Marketing/Advertising - Past 43 Years - Currently Co-owner of a Business 
Graphics Company

Significant Other: Married to George Klein - 36 years

Family: Three Kids
Daniela, French Immersion Teacher
Alexander, Fitness 
Elliot, Civil Engineer.....
and Lia My Lovely Granddaughter!!


  • Learning Languages...I speak several...... check out my ’72 graduation yearbook goals
  • International Travel, Culture, Cuisine
  • Music and Dance.....My First Passion
  • Nature Enthusiast....especially if walking with “Bentley”, My Havenese Poodle Mix!!

Noteworthy Fact:
I came to the ’50 and’55 Year Reunions, however, I missed the ’60 and ’65 
Year Birthday Bash, when I was organizing my daughter’s nuptials in June, 2018

Looking forward to our ’70 Year Reunion, see you all there!


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Class photos

 Courtesy of Craig Rose Rockford Road Public School  Grades 5/6 1964-65 RJ Laing Junior High Class 72 February 1966 Fisherville Junior High ...