Tuesday, August 15, 2023

Class photos

 Courtesy of Craig Rose

Rockford Road Public School 
Grades 5/6

RJ Laing Junior High
Class 72
February 1966
Fisherville Junior High
Class 85

Fisherville Junior High
Class 95

Wednesday, June 28, 2023

2023 Newtonbrook Class of '72 Party Pix...

 Rhonda Kress's Party Pix

Ron Linden, Rhonda Kress

Rob Williams, Fran Goldberg

Ettie Morgan, Rhonda Kress

David Marx, Dave Alexander

Karen Cooper, Rhonda Kress

Linda Fraser, Rob Williams, Rhonda Kress

Matthew Kazdan, Ed Weinberg

Jill Kamin, Ron Linden

Rhonda Glowinsky, Rosemary Sylman, Cindy Eckler, Judy Pottins

Agi Soptei, Rhonda Glowinsky

David Sevigny, Haviva Goldhagen, Ingrid Tein

Howard Sone, Evie Weiss, David Marx

Benny Rondel, Karen Cooper, Bobby Brown, Marlene Bain

Mark Korn, Ricki Gotlieb, Cheryl Koven

Mark Korn, Ricki Gotlieb, Cheryl Koven, Jill Sprackman, Peter Szigeti            

Dave Alexander, Sue Piltch, Gary Shaul

Ken Lackman, David Marx, Rhonda Kress, Mark Korn

Ken Lackman, Rhonda Kress, Gary Feldman

Ingrid Tein's Party Pic

Ingrid Tein, Haviva Goldhagen, David Sevigny

Haviva Goldhagen's Party Pix

Haviva Goldhagen, Jill Sprackman

Bobby Brown, Haviva

Matthew Kazdan, Haviva, Judy Pottins

Haviva, Rhonda K, David Marx, Judy Pottins

Dora Gornstein, Haviva, Fran Goldberg

Haviva, Ron Linden

Howard Sone, Haviva

Sue Piltch's Party Pix

Fisherville Junior High

Class 93 - Fisherville JHS

Who's who

Ricki Gotlieb, David Marx, Rhonda Kress

Ricki Gotlieb's Party Pix

Ricki Gotlieb

Ricki Gotlieb, Mark Korn

Ken Lackman, Ricki Gotlieb, Gary Feldman

Ricki Gotlieb, Rhonda Kress

Peter Szigeti, Ricki Gotlieb

Howie Sone, Ricki Gotlieb, Fran Goldberg, Evie Weiss, Bobby Brown

Friday, May 26, 2023


Ticket Sales Tracker

Current sales: 55

Now that we have more than 50 participants, our hosts at Skymark require us to book a security guard for our June 22 party. This means that we do not need to freeze our guest list as of May 31st and that we can continue selling tickets until June 20th. 

Sunday, May 7, 2023

Reunion change of venue

Our June 22 party has been moved to: 

85 Skymark Drive in the condo’s huge, stunning party room. 
The condo is located on
Don Mills Rd. between Finch Avenue and Cummer Avenue, on the east side, first street north of Finch. 

7:00 - 11:00 p.m. 

FOOD: We’ll be serving a light buffet dinner catered by the Pickle Barrel. The buffet will include a number of delicious appetizers, mains, desserts, water, coffee and tea.

Limited underground guest parking is available at the condo. Overflow parking is available next door at the No Frills plaza.

There will be no ticket sales at the door. These are the condo's rules. Consequently, the last opportunity to buy your ticket is May 31st.

Wednesday, March 8, 2023

Reunion Email #4

Sent on March 8 to those who have not signed up or opted out. 

Subject: Class of '72 Catch 22

Catch 22 -  
dilemma or difficult circumstance from which there is no escape because of mutually conflicting or dependent conditions.

As it stands, we still need 22 more alumni to secure our reservation and confirm our reunion party. We know that many of you who haven't bought your ticket yet would love to join us on June 22 at 7:00 p.m. at the Pickle Barrel in Markham. More than 60 of you told us that a year ago when we put out feelers.We've got payment from 38. 

If you don't have a ticket, you won't be able to see everyone, reminisce and have a few laughs over some tasty food and retro music. It's a Catch 22. But there is a way out. We need to catch at least 22 more of you. You need to buy a ticket to ensure your attendance. Happy, happy. 

Can we count on you? We don't want to be noodges but we really want this party to proceed as planned because we know we have a winning formula. Accessible. Plenty of free parking. Good food. Spacious. 

So act now and we'll stop bugging you! Otherwise, we may have to resort to guilting you because we're committed to making this party a success. 

Please e-transfer your $65 (evelyngoldstein07@gmail.com) ASAP. 


If you’d prefer, you can send a cheque to:

Evelyn Goldstein

1 Maison Parc Court
Suite #103
Thornhill, Ont. L4J 9K1

The reunion team - Rhonda, Evie, Ricki, Gary

Tuesday, January 31, 2023

Reunion Email #3

Hello Fellow Newtonbrookers!

We hope that everyone is doing well, and looking forward to our Newtonbrook Class of ’72 reunion. It’ll be here before we know it!

Thursday, June 22, 2023
Pickle Barrel Restaurant, Markville Mall
7:00 -11:00 p.m.

In order for our BIG event to happen, we need 60 participants by:
Friday, February 17, 2023.

The following people are anxiously awaiting our reunion party, and have committed to the event by sending in their $65.00:

Karen Cooper         
Dora Gornstein
Mark Korn
Gary Shaul     
Linda Fraser              
Ricki Letovsky
Rhonda Kress         
Howie Sone               
Fran Goldberg            
Phil Halpern            
Stephen Lewis           
Agi Soptei 
Haviva Goldhagen 
arry Herskowitz       
Bill Mandelman         
Peter Szigeti            
Evie Weiss                
Marty Keshen             
Ettie Morgan

In past reunions, in order to include as many Class of ’72 reunioners as possible, we waited until just before the event date to add spouses/significant others to the guest list. This time, we are opening the guest list to spouses/significant others now, in hope that this will assist reunioners in attendance decision-making, and will hopefully boost the number of participants.

So, make sure you’re included in this special event by sending in your $65.00 cheque or etransfer to:

Evelyn Goldstein            evelyngoldstein07@gmail.com

1 Maison Parc Court
Suite #103
Thornhill, Ont. L4J 9K1

Hope to see you there!

p.s. - if you send in your money and we don’t have the numbers, your money will be refunded.

GaryRickiEvie, and Rhonda

Sunday, November 13, 2022

How about a reunion?

 Hello Fellow Newtonbrookers!

We hope that this e-mail message finds everyone happy and healthy, and enjoying the slow return to normalcy.

Although it's very hard to admit, it has dawned on us that we will actually be turning the ripe old age of 70 in 2023. Yikes! How did that happen?!

The Newtonbrookers Reunion Committee is talking about organizing a party to celebrate our entry into the Septuagenarian Club.

At this point in time, we would like to know who is interested in celebrating this important milestone.

The details so far are as follows:

*The party would take place in June, 2023 at The Pickle Barrel Restaurant at Markville Mall in Markham, Ontario, where there is ample free parking, easy access, a lovely party room, and reliable good eats.

*Instead of dinner, we are considering making it an alcoholic beverages (cash bar), coffee, tea, desserts, and snacky foods menu.

*We would restrict ticket sales to only those who are the reunioners. At a later date, if numbers and room allow, spouses may be included in ticket sales.

*We probably need to address the elephant in the computer, as well. Should
 Covid-19 rear its ugly head, yet again, to the point where a large assembly of people is not permitted, we would need to cancel our plans and refund those people who have paid.

*Please reply to this e-mail and let us know if you would be interested in attending this celebration, and if you have any suggestions for us.

In the meantime, keep well and stay safe!

Your Newtonbrookers Reunion Committee:

Class photos

 Courtesy of Craig Rose Rockford Road Public School  Grades 5/6 1964-65 RJ Laing Junior High Class 72 February 1966 Fisherville Junior High ...